Friday, August 17, 2012

Pies, Pranks, and Praise

Today was a good day. It was my last day teaching so I am kind of sad about that. I had the older kids write a short paragraph about their time on the trip and as usual, I read them a story book. I did a simple, little activity with pie today since we were reading a book about the "Blueberry Pie Elf." We just took some votes on who likes which pies, tallied them up, added them, and wrote a sentenced about each type of pie. They didn't really understand the concept of voting only once, so we had a lot of people who like lots of different kinds of pies. It was a fun day. I always love getting the little kids to be interactive when we read. We have been reading a lot of books about animals, so every time I would read the word they would make an animal noise. Today, every time I read the word "pie" they all said in unison "mmmm." It was a fun day. There is so much I wish I could do with them that I think they would benefit from such as moving some to the older group and making smaller groups based on levels where each child would receive better helped based on their needs. It amazes me how smart these children are! I will really miss teaching them. I think that it has been my favorite part. Kit was telling me they are adding a pre-k to their school and asked if I could maybe write up a few suggestions for curriculum and ideas. I am excited about this, and I hope that I can help them out a little bit. I am glad that I have had such amazing professors who have prepared me so well. There are so many little things I remember them saying that have become very true and important. I am thankful to be receiving a  superb education and to have the opportunity to be able to do what I enjoy. Education is so different here. It makes me angry. These children are so smart! They just need a chance! Tomorrow we are going to the high school. It will be interesting to see how it differs from A Heart for Wisdom.

 A few of the kids that went to a Christian camp got back today so it was good to see them. They didn't get to go on the trip with us, but I know they all had a lot of fun at camp. They told me that they had "very, very fun."  One sweet girl, Wut, was telling me that  before she went to camp she wasn't sure if she put her trust in God, but that now she is sure because she said she found the Holy Spirit and that He is in her heart and that she felt Him and cried. When she told me this, I almost cried! It is so amazing to see new believers being affirmed in their faith.

After dinner tonight, we played around and some of the kids taught us this awesome little hand clapping game/ rhythm chant. It took me forever to get it, but I finally did. I tried to teach them one that I knew, but they said, "too long," so we moved on to a different hand game. Ginny and I were going to try to attempt to teach them the game "Ninja," which has become popular among the sub-christian culture haha. It seems like every youth group or college ministry play this game when there is time to wait around or just hanging out. I think its kind of funny. Its a really fun game, but the kids just wanted to beat each other up without the structure, so we did that instead haha. Friday nights are movie nights and they really enjoy them. I passed out some pixie stix candy to them during the movie. Some of them knew how to eat it, while others didn't know what I was giving them haha.

This afternoon, the little icecream man came by. The kids always get ice cream when he comes. He certainly knows where to come for good business. Alissa decided to treat almost everyone at the orphanage with some delicious icecream. It was the first time I had tasted it. It was very good! It had a coconut type taste to it. Some of the kids get "ice cream sandwiches." In the states, when we think of an ice cream sandwich, we picture vanilla ice cream in between two thin chocolate cookie rectangles. But, here in Cambodia, they take the whole "sandwich" thing a little to literally and actually put scoops of ice cream into what looks like sub sandwich bread. I thought that was really funny.

 I  may have mentioned this before, but there is a boy who lives near the orphanage who always comes to play with the kids; his name is Soy. Soy is estimated to be about 20 years old. He is deaf and basically has no way of communicating with anyone besides groans and generic gestures. I am sure there are other disabilities present as well. Because he is deaf, and because traffic in the village is terrible, he has been hit by several cars and is missing all of his front teeth. He came by the orphanage to play today, as usual, and also indulged in some ice cream with us. It amazes me how the AGHO kids embrace him and treat him so kindly and like to play with him. Soy has such a beautiful spirit. He is always goofing around and dancing, laughing, smiling, and doing silly tricks. There is just something about Soy that touches my heart and that I can't let go of. I try to communicate with him as best as possible, and I can actually pretty much understand what he trying to get across. I wish I could talk to him and help him. It would be so amazing for him to learn actual sign language.This truly would change his life. I love Soy very much and he has such a special place in my heart.

Tomorrow, we girls are going to try and play a prank on the kids! We have been brainstorming a few ideas. We have decided to pelt them with water balloons, and also tie their doors together so they can't get out! Then, we will fill the staircase with cups of water so they will have to drink their way down the stairs! Hopefully it will all turn out to be a good laugh.

Last night I was able to do bible study with the kids for the last time. Since we had just gotten back from seeing such beautiful things on our trip, I talked to the kids about creation. Jessica was originally going to do the Bible study and was actually going to talk about the same thing. It's funny how God works sometimes.

I am going to miss these kids so much. They are so silly and happy and easy going. I love them all. They are all such brave little warriors.

I noticed that I have only been putting positive things on my blog, and I was convicted last night while reading 2 Timothy that I need to be more honest. Though I talk about all of the fun things and happy times, I will say this is not easy for me. It is hard witnessing the poverty. It is hard being in such a different place and not knowing what people are saying about you or to you. I don't want anyone to be fooled into thinking that this has been an easy journey or that I am just the perfect missionary who is
unshakable, because that is not the case at all. I have been experiencing so many different emotions that I am still not sure how to deal with. I am in conflict about what my future holds with Cambodia. I've been tired and I've been sick to my stomach almost this whole time. I am homesick and still getting over my fears daily. It is hard to murder your flesh here when you are so used to things being a certain way your whole life. I have been trying to not let my fleshly desires take over my thoughts, but sometimes they creep up; especially when I just want some American food haha. I am not saying any of this to say I am not having a good time. In fact, I am having the time of my life. I am learning so much. It is just that I wanted to be real and let people know that dying to yourself on a daily basis is SO hard. It's hard when I'm home, and even harder here. I have feelings of inadequacy and doubt that I am not doing enough or not reaching the kids the way I should be, but in the end, all I know is that this is what God told me to do and I followed in obedience to Him. This is what God tells all of us to do. To show His love and spread the Gospel to all the nations, whatever that may mean for each person. I hope I don't sound like I am whining, I just want to show everyone the realness of it all and I am not afraid to do that. I had no idea what would happen going into this, but I can definitely say, I have been filled with overwhelming joy, urgency, and hope. My eyes and my heart have been opened to something so much bigger than myself, and I cannot wait to see what God reveals next!

Please continue to pray. I love you all so much and I am so thankful for you!




  1. Laura - I am praying for you as you enter your final weekend. Just remember that He is made strong in your weaknesses. Press in on the Spirit who will give you courage, comfort and clarity. Praying also for travel mercies. Blessings, Amelia

    1. Thank you!! Yes, 2 corinth 12:9-10 is a verse that has gotten me through a lot! I am so thankful the Lord used you to remind me of it. Thank you for praying!
