Tuesday, July 31, 2012

He is the true vine and we are the branches...

I am so ready to just be in Cambodia with those precious little angels!!!! There is nothing in my heart that I desire more! I am pretty much all packed up and ready to go. I purchased my last needs Monday and just need to pack a few more things.

Sunday night was tough. There were so many emotions going through my head. One minute I was rejoicing, the other minute I was face down on the ground. I felt really spiritually attacked again. This is probably the worst I've felt it. It is a little hard to talk about, but I feel like I need to share this to be honest about this whole experience. I was tossing and turning trying to go to sleep and had been in prayer moments before that when I had some very disturbing images come into my head and I heard a voice tell me, "I own you." Never have I experienced anything like this before and I hope not to again. I knew that this wasn't from the Lord. I immediately called out to Christ and said, "I rebuke this in the name of Jesus Christ." For some reason though, I wasn't scared. I wasn't scared at all actually. I guess, just because I know that that isn't true. Christ is the owner of my soul and He is the one who has given me life and NOTHING can separate me from His love, nor heights, nor depths, nor angels, nor rulers, nor anything in all creation!!! I praise the Lord for the strength He gave me to call upon Him during that moment. He is faithful and will deliver us from harm.

I have been given such a peace in my heart tonight. I was able to skype with Kit, the dad of the orphanage,and was able to meet Ream, the orphanage mom, and actually got to meet one of their sons Jo. He told me that he was six and just had a birthday. SO precious! It was very relieving to hear some of the things Kit was telling me. I do feel like I am ready. Yes, still a little nervous, but mostly excited at this point. I don't think I'm gonna even be able to sleep for the next few nights I'm so excited.

The Lord often communicates with me through scripture in the form of themes. Lately, its been, "abide in me." I feel Him tell me this multiple times, even daily it seems. I am slowly learning what it truly means to abide in my Savior. It isn't easy being disciplined by the Lord, but it is so worth it!

I went out and bought some little trinkets for the kids, stickers, hair stuff, lip gloss, glow sticks, candy, beach balls, ect. and I can't wait to play with them! Sometimes its hard for me to set aside, "teacher mode" and just let kids be kids. I am learning how to turn this on and off though. It just seems that at school we are so immersed in what to do and what not to do, and how to manage this, and what is the appropriate way to handle this, that I sometimes forget to not worry about that, and just be silly and have fun! I pray the Lord gives me the ability to have a free spirit while there, and that my disciplinary tendencies will go out the window. I want to be their friend, and I am able to do that in this situation, whereas in a classroom, I am not. I think it will be easier because I won't be the one in charge, therefore, I won't feel the pressure to make sure everything is in order, and I don't want it to be. I want to grow from this! I want the Lord to push me and test me in ways I haven't been before. Though I am easily flexible, I am also a planner, and I am infamous among my friends( who often tease me) for my hourly schedules I make on an almost daily basis. I want to be stretched in ways that I never have been before, spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I know this won't be easy, but I want to be pruned by the Spirit and become more Christ like through this experience.

Ahhhh!!! I can't wait to see all that the Lord is going to do! I pray that He can use me as a vessel in any way He wants!  I can' tell you how right this feels. Everything just feels like it is the way it is supposed to be. I hope this peace the Lord has given me will be something I can hold on to.

None of this would even be possible if it weren't for so many loving people. I cannot thank everyone enough for all that you have done for me! I have been SO incredibly blessed and the Lord has provided abundantly. I know that I am being prayed for, and I can feel it. I don't know what I would do without the Body of Christ supporting me. God has surrounded me with such loving people that are overflowing with an out-pour of His, love, grace, and mercy and I am so thankful for that. There is nothing in my life that has meant more to me than this and I am still overwhelmed by what the Lord has done and is doing. It all seems just too hard to believe and too good to be true. But, that's the thing about our God, He is the ultimate good, the ultimate perfection. He made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have ultimate freedom in Him!

Praise the Lord! God's good y'all!


Friday, July 27, 2012

Eagerness, Repentance, Thankfulness

Note to self: Don't ever try to take classes and prepare to go across the world at the same time...my mind is so beyond school at this point, I can't even concentrate. My friends are always telling me that I do too much, that I am involved in too much, and that I should take a few things off my plate. They are right. I am thankful for my mother because every once in awhile she will lay down her foot and say, "no, you literally can't do that, TOO." I am glad that she has common sense, something I sometimes lack I guess.

My mom came down to where I'm living last night. We went out to dinner and got to buy some stuff for the trip. I wasn't expecting her, so it was a pleasant surprise. Truly, it never fails, whenever I am with my Mom, we are in stitches laughing and cracking up the whole time! Other people would probably think that the stuff we laugh about isn't funny....but to us, apparently, its hilarious. Haha. Though we had a great time laughing, we also got to talk about some other stuff too, most of it about Cambodia. We were talking about the children at the orphanage and my Mom was relating it to what her and my Dad do volunteering at the Big Oak Ranch. She recalled a children's book titled, "Are You My Mother?" She said she can't help but think of this when she thinks about the children she has come in contact with up at the ranch and the orphans in Cambodia. It really hit me when she said this.

 I don't think I am capable of understanding what it would be like if I had no mother and father, sister, or other family. I can't imagine the hole and void that would be in my life. Thinking about this, I have tried to put myself in the shoes of the children of Cambodia without mothers and fathers, who have lost their family, been given up by their family, or their family is in such poverty they had to give them to the orphanage just to help them survive. I can't imagine this. It's heartbreaking to think about. But, with all of this said, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter because the Lord tells us that we have been adopted as sons into His Kingdom! Hallelujah! As it tells us in Romans, Ephesians, and I am sure many other places in scripture.  

I am so impatient. I wish this week would already be done so I could just go already! I feel this way about life sometimes too. I have such a deep longing for Heaven!!!!! When I worship in my car, which I do a lot...(it's a special place for me, I guess because its private and I can sing as loud as I want haha), I get so overwhelmed just looking at all of God's creation around me and thinking about the New Heaven and the New Earth and how much better it will be! And all the little boys and girls in Cambodia will not be orphaned, and they will get to sit in the lap of their Savior and worship Him all day! There will be no crying, and no pain, no sickness, no darkness, nothing that can hinder us from being truly fulfilled, made completely new, and completely restored in every way in Christ! It's gonna be so good y'all! I just want to cry thinking about it! I don't know if this is Biblical, but I've heard somewhere that there will be colors in Heaven that we have never seen. I can't comprehend that lol, but I know that the rainbows in Heaven will be much, much prettier. In Revelation, when it is describing all the weird looking animals at the throne of God, I can't help but imagine what they truly will look like Haha so many wings and eyes! Maybe that's a little immature of me...but hey, a girl can wonder! I just can't wait to be right there beside them at the feet of Christ bowing and just shouting with joy about how Holy, Holy, Holy our God is! I can't wait to hear the angels beautiful voices singing to their God! It is going to be so beautiful!

Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord!

Hope I don't sound too preachy lol. The very last thing I want to do is  for people to think that this is about me, because, its not. None of it is. Not ever.

Yesterday, I was in the shower, (haha another special place where I pray and worship alot...weird I know) I was bitter and angry. I told God that I wish He would have called me to somewhere else besides Cambodia like London where a lot of other missionaries from my church are going soon. As I sarcastically said to God, "Sure wish you had called me to a place like that....what about Paris?!" I kept thinking, it would be so much easier and they speak english in London and its not as far away and it isn't scorching hot, and they have real bathrooms and they don't eat bugs, and there is less disease..... As I kept complaining, I heard the Holy Spirit in my heart reprimand me and say, "Be thankful, you'll see."  I am very, very, embarrassed to even be honest about these feelings I've been experiencing. It's selfish, prideful, and sinful. How dare I question God's calling! How dare I wish for what seems easier to me! How dare I not be content with what the Lord has for me! How dare I even have these selfish, fleshly thoughts! How dare I not be filled with thanksgiving for all the Lord has done! I confess and repent of this with a heavy heart.

People have kept saying to me, "you're so brave!" All I can do is laugh when they say this because I am anything but brave! I wish they could understand when I say this, but I don't really know how to convey it into meaning. I am very nervous, and very scared, but at the same time, I know that the Lord is faithful and His plan never fails and that He will be with me, He will never leave me or forsake me, and that He has gone before me and prepared the way. There are some people, the ones who keep telling me I'm brave, who have been placed in my life for a short period of time, and I have done my best to try and show them Christ, but I know I need to do more. I need to be more bold about my faith, and quit beating around the bush and saying things like, "Well, in my beliefs....." No! I should precede with, "Well, since I am a Christ follower and believe in the power of a Holy, Just, and Merciful God who has given us the opportunity to be free from sin and death through the sacrificing of His son on a cross, all because He loves you and has a perfect plan for your life that will be for your good and His glory....." But instead, I have not done this. I confess and repent of this as well. The things I have said to them have been so vague and could be interpreted into "positive thinking," rather than the fact that our identity is in Christ and it is by His power that we are able. This morning, when I was eatin' my good old Frosted Mini Wheats (my fav), and gettin' in the word a little on my handy dandy Bible app ( which I love love love), the Lord gave me a deep sense of eagerness and revealed scripture to me that let me know that I was going to have to defend my faith today and tell them about Him!!! The Lord definitely did what He said He would do, and it was very obvious the open opportunities He gave me today to talk about Christ. However, I still feel as if I censored myself a little. What is wrong with me?! I have been commanded to tell people of the Lord's saving grace and His gift of the Gospel; if I can't do that whole heatedly here in the U.S.A. on a college campus without hesitation, what makes me think I can do it in Cambodia speaking Khmer? But, that's the thing, I can't. God can! Holy Spirit move!

I pray that the Lord would give me more opportunities this next week to share with these people the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His will, His way.  

Please, please, continue to be in prayer for me, the orphanage, Kit and Ream, the other missionaries (Jessica, Alissa and Ginny,) and Cambodia as lost nation!

It's almost here,

Laura :)

Mountains and Valleys

This was originally written on Monday, July 23rd, but I am just now posting it.

Something still feels like its missing. I don't know what it is. Technically, I am all set, and ready to go, but I just feel like there is still something missing.
I need restoration in my soul. I need satisfaction that only comes from the Lord. The Body of Christ has overwhelmed me with such love and support. I couldn't ask for anything more! But, for some reason, I just feel so empty right now. I am so thirsty and unsatisfied. I feel like I can never get enough or ever be complete, even though I know I have been made whole in Christ. There is a quote by C.S. Lewis that comes to mind:

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”
I am so down right now and truly have no reason to be! I have been so blessed and been given so much to look forward to. The Lord has called me to a specific purpose and I have been given the opportunity to fulfill this.

I feel very alone in this right now. And, even though, I know I am never alone because Christ is always with me, and I know that I have so many people behind me and that love me, I still feel this way. When I think about Cambodia, I don't just think about this upcoming trip, I think about what is going to happen after that, because I know that something will. I know that this is just the beginning. When I think about Cambodia, I think about the bigger picture and all of the things that come along with the possibility of living over there and hopefully teaching over there some day. So, just sayin, I'm not this dramatic over a short term mission trip. Haha All of these thoughts and feelings are towards something much bigger than what is going to happen in August.
I feel like I can never get enough. I can never be truly satisfied until I'm dead and gone and at the feet of Christ. I long for this. It sounds weird, I know, having a longing for death. But, I know I have much much work to do here before I can finally be home.

These past few weeks have gone by quickly and a lot has happened. I am happy to say that all three of my fundraisers have been unbelievably successful, unlike my grades in my math class right now...bummer. Hopefully I can pull a B. The Lord has given me a few chances to reach out to some people lately, and I am glad that He did. It was such a blessing. There are so many lost people I am around every single day and I am glad that the Lord provided me a few opportunities to give them a little piece of His love here lately. I must get better at heeding to the Spirit's call! There have been many times where I can feel the Lord leading me to talk to someone, or say something in regards to Christ, but I chicken out. I'm glad  Christ didn't chicken out before He went to the cross. I gotta be more like Him.
Sunday night was the Five Guys fundraiser. We had a great turn out! It has meant so much to me that so many people care! I don't know what I would do without the people the Lord has put in my life.

Tonight, the sweet lady and her daughter who I am living with at the moment, hosted a jewelry party for me! We had a great turn out for this as well! She went all out with awesome finger foods and everything! It was so great! I am so thankful for this! I was able to inform more people about the orphanage and how the Lord is working. I am still in disbelief that people are so willing to help me and this cause.

On a side note, I didn't find out until recently, that there are elephants, monkeys, tigers, and huge snakes in Cambodia! Where the heck am I going? haha

This past weekend I was able to meet with my friend who is from Cambodia. What a blessing that the Lord put her in my life less than a year ago! He was setting things up all along! I am glad we finally got to sit down and chat a little, cause my pronunciation on some of these Khmer words was totally off haha! She even gave me two books, one about the history of Cambodia and facts about it, an evangelist type book written in Khmer and English, and a Khmer-English dictionary! She helped me with the pronunciation of common phrases, how to bow, what to say to who at what age and when, a few foods I can order that should be relatively safe for my first try, and how to ask for the bathroom lol. It was so amazing getting to spend time with her and hearing some of the stories about her parents who were prisoners in the Khmer Rouge genocide. I am so thankful for the Lord putting her in my life. There is definitely a reason why I know her, and its not just because she is Cambodian.


Monday, July 23, 2012


I am glad keeping up with a blog isn't like caring for a plant, because if it was, mine would be dead already. All the business is worth it though when you're getting somewhere.

These past two weekends with both fundraisers I have raised an additional $900.00! I am literally shocked! I have just been feeling so blessed and filled with thanksgiving lately. I feel so undeserving of all of this blessing! Oh, how we are all so undeserving of such any blessing, especially the blessing of salvation.

The Lord has truly put conviction on my heart about this the past week or so. Why am I now so thankful? Is it just because I am receiving these blessings? Am I loving the gifts and not the Giver? I have been thinking to myself, Laura, you should be filled with such a sense of overwhelming thankfulness at ALL times! How dare you all of the sudden be thankful to your Mighty God only when things are being given to you! I should feel this thankful everyday of my life for just waking up and being able to breathe! I should be so overwhelmed with thankfulness because of my salvation alone! The fact that God even gave a second thought of me is worth being thankful for in itself. But, not only does my God know me before I was even in my mother's womb, but He chose me before the foundation of the world to be a part of His kingdom and purpose! God sent His son to die a cursed death on a tree, all because of His mercy, and He did this so that we could access to His great holiness and be with Him one day! He did this for all of His creation! He did this for me! How dare I ever be anything less than thankful for the fact the God made a way for me! He sent His Son Jesus Christ to be the bridge and access to being cleansed, made righteous and whole! Hallelujah! Our God is such a wonderful, majestic, and holy, Creator! Oh how His love never fails and His plan works out perfectly, always bringing Him GLORY!!! Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty!!! I can't wait to be able to shout these words in declaration at the feet of His throne someday bowing with all of His creation in wonder and in awe!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My God's not dead, he's surely ALIVE!!!

I am officially leaving for Cambodia August 4th! Booked my ticket a few days ago! I am so blessed because the Lord has provided for me to be able to fly from Atlanta to Korea for FREE! Yes, that is right, FREE! A generous man at my church donated his skymiles to me. I have never been so blessed in my entire life! It's really hard to believe!

I am very, very excited! Now that things are getting closer, I am starting to think about all of the details. It turns out the airport I am flying into is about 6-8 hours away from the orphanage. My flight gets in late that night, so I don't know what I am going to do, or what is going to happen yet. I do know that God is sovereign and He has a plan even though I cannot see it.

Cambodia has recently been hit with a "mystery" virus, EV71. It is a mixture of hand foot and mouth disease, strep, and dengue fever. It has taken the life of about 60 children. When I found out his news, I was heartbroken. I was scared at first thinking it might be very serious and hinder my trip, but then, I realized that nothing can stand in the way of the Lord! I have never felt so burdened for a people group in my life. I kept reading all about it on the news and seeing image after image of sick, dying, children. I just wanted to cry. Please pray the Lord would relinquish this disease!

I was able to go to our summer Bible study this past week for the first time this summer. I am very glad I went. My friend who was leading the Bible study told us about something he had experienced a few weeks ago when he was on mission in Europe. He recalled going into the house of some people he was building relationships with and sitting with a little boy and playing. When it was time for him to leave and was saying goodbye the little boy replied, "See you later!" My friend, knowing he probably wouldn't see this little boy from another country again in his life said that he thought in his head, "I hope so." He told us about how he hoped to see this little boy in heaven and how he wished he could have just held him and told him how much Jesus loves him. This story really made me think a lot. We meet people everyday and neglect to share the Gospel with them. If it is my life's goal to bring glory to God and obey Him, then I must share the Gospel! How dare I meet a single person and not tell them of the Good News that Christ has taken their sin and God's wrath in exchange for righteousness and freedom!

As I have talked to many people about all of this, the trip, the orphanage, the struggles, it seems lately that they have all said the same thing. They have all told reassured me that God had a plan and a purpose for me. It doesn't matter what I think or feel or fear, because He is the one I hope in, NOT myself. People have also brought up Abraham a lot. I think I get the hint God! I need to go read it! haha

Things are coming together. I am comforted by this and excited; however, the enemy is at work again! The morning after I had officially booked my ticket, I woke up for school and was greeted with some very hateful, anti-christian messages over the internet. I was so angry and felt discouraged. As I was in the shower ( for some reason I always pray in the shower) I realized that the more I follow God's will and try my best to be obedient to Him, the harder things get. I was then angry for even letting myself get the least bit bothered by things I know are not true. No matter what anyone says, I know my God is a God of justice, righteousness, hope, love, patience, and that He knows me in and out! It is so easy to sink down. I felt like someone had said something bad about one of my friends or family. I took it very personally. I was mad that they had insulted my precious Savior! But, then I realized, where is my joy? Why are you down? It reminded me of that psalm David wrote. I then was comforted by the Spirit and reminded that my God is not dead!

Speaking of how my God is alive and living, it makes me think about all of the literal idol worship in Cambodia. I just think back to the old testament. I just get such a feeling of urgency when I think about this. We MUST tell them! They are worshiping pagan gods and bringing offerings an sacrifices that mean nothing and are in vain. I just want to go tell them that their god is dead. I want to tell them that there is a REAL God and that He loves them! I don't know how I am going to do this though because I can barely say "hello" in Khmer. Haha, my friend who knows the language kept correcting me. God is sovereign though, and I am sure glad that he is!

Please pray that I can get some travel issues worked out. Also, please pray for all of the sick children and that the Lord would take away this illness from them. Pray for the people of Cambodia who worship false gods! Oh, how they NEED Jesus! Pray for all of the children at the orphanage, for the orphanage parents, for the girls who will also be serving, for Cambodia as a lost nation, and that I could make a good grade in my math class! (haha, just kidding)

Tomorrow is the fundraiser lunch right after church. There is also a silent art auction and my jewelry I am selling. I am excited and SO beyond thankful for all of the help I have had. I am overwhelmed with all of the love I have been shown. I am especially thankful for my Mom. She has really helped me with this. I couldn't have done it without her.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Sometimes I feel like a failure. Today has been one of those days unfortunately. I am always in the need of being reminded that the love Christ has for me does not, and will never, depend on my daily "Christian performance."

I am just gonna be honest and real. I am very nervous and scared about Cambodia. I do think about the wonderful things that I know the Lord will do there, but I do think about the bad stuff too. I have many fears of many things that I can't even put into words. They aren't even legitimate fears it seems. I think when it boils down to it that I have a fear of not doing what the Lord wants me to do. I have a fear that I will fail Him. That I will hate what He has called me to do and resent Him for it. I do not want this to happen. I want to bring God glory in every way possible! I want to be obedient to what He has called me to do. I want to do it fearlessly and with confidence....but, I realize that that isn't what the Lord wants from me at all! He wants me to be weak, so that I can find strength in Him. He wants me to be humbled so that He will shine and I will stand in the background. He wants me to trust Him no matter what comes my way. He wants me to show His love the way He has shown me love.

I have been asking myself...why do I need to go to this orphanage anyway? Will it even matter? Will it even make a difference?  And, my honest answer is I don't know. When He told me to go, He didn't say why. He just said "go work with the orphans." The only thing I know is that He wants me there. There are so many things the Lord has yet to reveal to me, but at the same time, He has revealed so much. He didn't tell me why, but He shouldn't have to. I have a desire to be obedient to Him and what I know He told me to do, but I didn't know it would be like this. If you could spend just a day in my head you would see what I'm talking about. There is a constant battle of flesh and spirit and I can honestly say, I have never been through anything like this before.

For the class I'm taking right now, I had to read a book about an Asian orphan...haha no coincidence. It's funny how God does that all the time. I guess its just another way that He is preparing me.

Please, if you are reading this blog, let me know! I can see how many views it gets a day...but I want to know who you are! Also, to be totally honest and transparent, I could use some encouragement and prayer! I am so thankful for the Body of Christ, and I'll tell you now, I need y'all!

Praise the One who paid my debt!


Friday, July 6, 2012


Just some of the lyrics of one of my favorite songs right now. I hope I can live my life this way.

We're giving it all away, away
Giving it all to go Your way
We're giving it all away, away
Giving it all to go Your way

In the Father there is freedom
There is hope in the name that is Jesus
Lay Your life down, give it all now
We are found in the love of the Savior

We've come alive in You
Set free to show the truth
Our lives will never be the same

We are sold out to Your calling
Everything that we are for Your glory
Take our hearts now, have it all now
Let our lives shine the light like the morning

Roll back the curtains from our eyes
And now we can see You
Shown us Your way, Your truth and life
We offer our lives to bring You fame
We're caught in Your freedom
We're caught in Your freedom

Gettin' Off His Throne and at His feet!

Well, school has started back, I've moved back to Montevallo, and boy am I stressed out! I am very aware, and many people have told me, and more than once, that I overestimate my capabilities to juggle more than one thing at a time. I wish I could say I have learned my lesson, but I have not. Last night as I lay in bed, my mind kept spinning of all of these things I have to do, all of the things that are coming up and it all just started to run together in a big jumbled mess. Finally, I just told myself that I have to GIVE UP! Yes, that's right, give up. Not keep striving, or keep going just a little bit harder, but give it all up. I prayed that the Lord would clear my mind. I felt the Holy Spirit calm me and say to me that all I needed was Jesus and that the only thing I have to worry about is Him, that He is my satisfaction, and that He's totally got this!

I find myself caught in this web of jumbled, frantic, thoughts, fears, and 'what-if's' about Cambodia a lot lately. Sometimes, I'll just sit and say to myself how crazy I am for doing this and ask myself what in the world am I thinking? It's these times as well where God calms me and tells me to GIVE UP! He wants me to stop trying to do it all and let Him take His rightful place on His throne. It's time for me to get off and instead lay at His feet where I so humbly belong. I am not the author of my life and I have got to realize that! God has a plan and He is putting it into motion as we speak, and I know that I can trust Him because He tells me in His Word that I can. So many times, daily almost, I must remind myself that God is in control! He won't let anything happen that isn't for my good and His glory, no matter if it seems like the worst possible thing that could happen to me- because I know, that through the struggle, through the pain and strife, that it will all work together for good and the sufferings on this earth are nothing to compare to the weight of the eternal glory that will be revealed to us!

This weekend is the fundraiser lunch! I am so excited and can't wait to see what God has in store! It has also been made official that July 22nd Five Guys Burgers and Fries will be hosting a fundraiser for this mission as well! I am so blessed beyond words right now! I am also still selling my custom handmade earrings, so if you want to buy some awesome jewelry for a great cause shoot me an email! 

Grace and Peace,


Prayer request:

Please pray that the Lord will enable me to keep my focus set on Him, His plan, and His mission for me, that I will be able to lay my heavy burdens at His feet, and that He would continue to provide for this mission! Also, as always, please pray for Cambodia as a lost nation, for the beautiful children at AGHO, for Kit and Ream, for all of the other missionaries serving. 

Romans 8:25,  Psalm 62:8, Matthew 28:11, & Psalm 32:8 - just a glimpse at some of the scriptures the Lord is giving me to teach and council me along this journey!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Suo Sdey! My favorite Khmer Lessons Videos!

I came across this video a while back. It is so incredibly helpful! There are many videos just like this! I like them because they are a little silly too...I mean look at that giggly little boy! Is he not the cutest?! Haha Time for some flashcards! :)

Joy! Joy! Joy!

I cannot even express the joy I feel right now! I am so incredibly thankful for the Body of Christ! The Lord has blessed me so much and is using His people to shine His light and bring Him glory! How grateful I am that I am a child of the Most High and that I am so blessed to know so many people who are willing to make such sacrifices for the sake of the Gospel! I cannot even contain my emotions at just the mere thought of all of the people the Lord has placed in my life that are supporting me in this endeavor! I have never felt more blessed in my life. Oh how it is so comforting to feel the prayers being lifted up for me, the orphanage, Kit and Ream, and Cambodia as a nation! I am overwhelmed with emotion knowing that I have so many people praying for this mission! And, I KNOW that these are praying people who are seeking the Lord's heart at all costs!

I get butterflies in my stomach just writing this post. The Lord is continuing to provide for me financially and I am truly seeing things come together. I just found out of a possibility that I am praying will happen! Please pray with me for this to come true! If this happens, I will be more than set financially. The Lord is at hand and is truly working. I cannot even express the thanks I have for the people who have burdened their heart for this cause as I have. God is good y'all!

As all of this goodness unfolds, I am still feeling attacked by the enemy at times. I refuse to let the enemy steal the JOY the Lord has placed in my heart! Please pray for protection for me. I always think about Ephesians and the whole armor of God scripture. What always has stood out to me the most, is that we are only given one weapon- a sword! And that sword is the power of the Word of God! It is hard sometimes to stay spiritually disciplined in His Word daily, and I confess I struggle with this at times. My prayer so often is that the Lord would give me a thirst for His Holy Word. One thing I have noticed lately is that almost every person I talk to refers to some scripture the Lord has revealed to me lately! It is so comforting seeing how the Lord speaks through His people and His word. 

As I get ready to move back to Montevallo and start my July classes in a few days I pray that while I am having to focus on academics that I would still keep my head on straight and my heart still in line with God's  plan He has. I do fear I will get distracted and at times stressed and overwhelmed trying to balance getting ready for Cambodia and passing my classes. The only answer is to stay grounded in the Lord's Holy, Perfect, Living Word!

I would like to thank my dear friends who are praying for me and who are willing to help me and who have helped me in this process. What would I do without my wonderful, godly, friends? I am so thankful for them! 

I've got some stuff coming up that you can look forward to!

Sunday July 15 there will be a fundraiser lunch right after church at Faith United Methodist in Clay. 
Sunday July 22 (pending) there will be a fundraiser at Five Guys Burgers and Fries in Trussville from           5-9PM. Come and eat some yummy food and I'll get a percentage of the profit earned that night! 

God is good y'all and He is true to His promises! He is EXACTLY who He says He is! Our beautiful Messiah, our Holy Righteous Lamb! God is at work! Please continue to pray for A Greater Hope Orphanage in Cambodia, the directors, Kit and Ream, Ginny who will be going to the orphanage in August, for all of the young women who also have a heart for AGHO and who have been praying for me and giving me council during this process, Courtney, Kara, Jessica, and Alicia, and for the Body of Christ at FUMC and TCASC who is behind me in support!
