Saturday, July 14, 2012

My God's not dead, he's surely ALIVE!!!

I am officially leaving for Cambodia August 4th! Booked my ticket a few days ago! I am so blessed because the Lord has provided for me to be able to fly from Atlanta to Korea for FREE! Yes, that is right, FREE! A generous man at my church donated his skymiles to me. I have never been so blessed in my entire life! It's really hard to believe!

I am very, very excited! Now that things are getting closer, I am starting to think about all of the details. It turns out the airport I am flying into is about 6-8 hours away from the orphanage. My flight gets in late that night, so I don't know what I am going to do, or what is going to happen yet. I do know that God is sovereign and He has a plan even though I cannot see it.

Cambodia has recently been hit with a "mystery" virus, EV71. It is a mixture of hand foot and mouth disease, strep, and dengue fever. It has taken the life of about 60 children. When I found out his news, I was heartbroken. I was scared at first thinking it might be very serious and hinder my trip, but then, I realized that nothing can stand in the way of the Lord! I have never felt so burdened for a people group in my life. I kept reading all about it on the news and seeing image after image of sick, dying, children. I just wanted to cry. Please pray the Lord would relinquish this disease!

I was able to go to our summer Bible study this past week for the first time this summer. I am very glad I went. My friend who was leading the Bible study told us about something he had experienced a few weeks ago when he was on mission in Europe. He recalled going into the house of some people he was building relationships with and sitting with a little boy and playing. When it was time for him to leave and was saying goodbye the little boy replied, "See you later!" My friend, knowing he probably wouldn't see this little boy from another country again in his life said that he thought in his head, "I hope so." He told us about how he hoped to see this little boy in heaven and how he wished he could have just held him and told him how much Jesus loves him. This story really made me think a lot. We meet people everyday and neglect to share the Gospel with them. If it is my life's goal to bring glory to God and obey Him, then I must share the Gospel! How dare I meet a single person and not tell them of the Good News that Christ has taken their sin and God's wrath in exchange for righteousness and freedom!

As I have talked to many people about all of this, the trip, the orphanage, the struggles, it seems lately that they have all said the same thing. They have all told reassured me that God had a plan and a purpose for me. It doesn't matter what I think or feel or fear, because He is the one I hope in, NOT myself. People have also brought up Abraham a lot. I think I get the hint God! I need to go read it! haha

Things are coming together. I am comforted by this and excited; however, the enemy is at work again! The morning after I had officially booked my ticket, I woke up for school and was greeted with some very hateful, anti-christian messages over the internet. I was so angry and felt discouraged. As I was in the shower ( for some reason I always pray in the shower) I realized that the more I follow God's will and try my best to be obedient to Him, the harder things get. I was then angry for even letting myself get the least bit bothered by things I know are not true. No matter what anyone says, I know my God is a God of justice, righteousness, hope, love, patience, and that He knows me in and out! It is so easy to sink down. I felt like someone had said something bad about one of my friends or family. I took it very personally. I was mad that they had insulted my precious Savior! But, then I realized, where is my joy? Why are you down? It reminded me of that psalm David wrote. I then was comforted by the Spirit and reminded that my God is not dead!

Speaking of how my God is alive and living, it makes me think about all of the literal idol worship in Cambodia. I just think back to the old testament. I just get such a feeling of urgency when I think about this. We MUST tell them! They are worshiping pagan gods and bringing offerings an sacrifices that mean nothing and are in vain. I just want to go tell them that their god is dead. I want to tell them that there is a REAL God and that He loves them! I don't know how I am going to do this though because I can barely say "hello" in Khmer. Haha, my friend who knows the language kept correcting me. God is sovereign though, and I am sure glad that he is!

Please pray that I can get some travel issues worked out. Also, please pray for all of the sick children and that the Lord would take away this illness from them. Pray for the people of Cambodia who worship false gods! Oh, how they NEED Jesus! Pray for all of the children at the orphanage, for the orphanage parents, for the girls who will also be serving, for Cambodia as a lost nation, and that I could make a good grade in my math class! (haha, just kidding)

Tomorrow is the fundraiser lunch right after church. There is also a silent art auction and my jewelry I am selling. I am excited and SO beyond thankful for all of the help I have had. I am overwhelmed with all of the love I have been shown. I am especially thankful for my Mom. She has really helped me with this. I couldn't have done it without her.

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