Thursday, June 14, 2012

" You were made for this!"

I am a bit new at this blogging thing, so please forgive my absence. I guess I am going to have to get used to talking to what seems like the whole world at times. I am used to being transparent, but not like this...not yet at least.

As support continues to roll in, slowly but surely, I have found myself in much doubt. I keep telling myself, "the Lord will provide!"  It is so easy to say these things, but another thing to believe it. I know that ultimately God's will will be done, and that in the grand scheme of things He is not hindered by circumstances; but why can't I get this through my head? The Lord is most certainly teaching me to truly trust in Him on an entirely different level than ever before. I keep telling myself that no matter what happens, I know that it is God's sovereign plan being fulfilled. No matter how much I want something, if the Lord is not ready to reveal that to me or have that happen, I must accept that His ways are higher and that He knows what He's doing! 

As humans, it is our instinct to want to have control...but sometimes...we just have to fully surrender and trust that He makes all things work together for good for those who believe. I feel that I have just realized that I am beginning this process of full surrender. I say process because I know it won't happen overnight. I must learn to trust and surrender to His will for me for Cambodia. I have told myself that I would be devastated if I wasn't able to go when have planned. But, that's just the thing...if you look at the sentence above it is I, I, I, I, I! It is NOT about me, my timing, what I want, or what I think is best. It is about what the Lord has planned for me, NOT what I have planned for myself. The verse Proverbs 16:9 comes to mind, "A man may plan his way, but it is the Lord that establishes his steps." Please pray that I would be reminded of this verse daily and to trust in Him and His mighty ways that are greater than our understanding.

Today I met with a dear friend who is giving me guidance along this way. After being able to share with her the whole story and countless examples of how God has put confirmations and people and opportunities in my life, I distinctly remember her saying one thing that impacted me the most, "You were made for this!" When she said this, I felt a sense of peace automatically come over me and I believe it was the Lord speaking through her at that moment. When I think about Cambodia, I have an instinct that this is only the beginning. I can look back and see how God has been setting this up for a while now. She told me that this wasn't just some "mission trip." I believe her, and it only confirms what the Lord has already put on my heart.

As some of you know, I am studying to be and educator. A few years ago I looked at the option of teaching in a different country....which country you ask....Cambodia! Little did I know that 3 years later the Lord would later reveal to me His plan.
At that point in time I didn't even know where Cambodia was on a map! Now that I have yielded to this calling, I hope to one day teach at a school in Cambodia and be able to open the eyes of these children to a whole new world of opportunities through giving them the gift of education. 

For right now, it is still all in the making and authorized by the Maker and I am overwhelmed at what the Lord has in store! The truth is though...we were ALL made for this! We were made for His glory to fulfill His mission! 

Please pray the Lord would continue to provide!

Grace and Peace,

Laura :)

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