Friday, June 1, 2012

How it all began...

Hello! Welcome to my new blog! This blog will be specifically used to talk about my upcoming trip to A Greater Hope Orphanage in Cambodia! My friend Ginny will also be accompanying me! We ask for your prayers as the Lord prepares our hearts for this incredible journey to serve the least of these.

How did this all come about you ask? Well, it is a pretty awesome story...let me fill you in.
Earlier this year during a worship service with many other fellow believers I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me while in prayer. Now, most of the time when I feel the Spirit speaking over me, He says things such as "Child, don't you know that I am the great I AM?," or the most common "Wait and see what I will do"; but this time it was very VERY different. He gave me specific instructions. This had never happened to me and I was very taken a back, and filled with doubt. Had I really just heard the Lord give me instructions? Was I going crazy? Is this real? I cannot even begin to tell you all the different thoughts that were running through my head, so much so that I literally had to get up and leave to the bathroom to calm myself down. You're probably wondering what the Holy Spirit "said" to me and it was this: "Go to Cambodia and work with the orphans. You will experience evil you have never seen before. Satan is going to try to stop you, but with My power you can overcome it."  The next day I came across where I messaged Kit and Ream Carson about serving in their orphanage. I was stunned when I heard back that very same day within hours of sending the email. With much counsel and prayer I decided to follow where the Spirit was leading me. I decided to go to Cambodia.

The Lord truly never ceases to amaze me. Right after I had made my decision, everything started to fall into place. So many doors have been opened and the Lord has put so many people in my life these past few months who have actually been to Cambodia and know Khmer! I have been shocked at all that the Lord is doing to prepare me for this journey. There have been so many "coincidences" lately that I know are due to God's sovereignty and I am so thrilled. The Lord is truly at work and I am so excited to be used by Him to fulfill His mission!

Even though I have not even met the children at the orphanage yet, I feel like I know them already. Just looking at pictures of their precious smiles brings me such a longing to hold them in my arms right here and now! Just thinking about all of what is to come fills me with so much JOY and I pray that the Lord would prepare our hearts as we near closer and closer to what He has planned for us!

Grace and Peace,

~ Laura

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep onself unstained from the world." James 1:27

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